Friday, December 7, 2007

2007 Highlights

As we get to the end of the year, it's time to reflect on two big highlights that occurred in 2007. The first event was a personal accomplishment. As I get older, I feel like I have to prove myself (like most people). I am bigger, faster, stronger, smarter? ! Yea right! In order to memorialize my entry into another decade, I decided to challenge myself physically. The Assault on Mount Mitchelltm is an annual bike ride from Spartanburg, SC to Mount Mitchell, the highest point east of the Mississippi River. The ride is ~100 miles. The first 72 miles which ends in Marion has 4,500 feet of climbing. The last 30 miles has 6,500 feet of climbing. Eleven thousand feet of climbing overall.

To get a number to the top is a challenge in itself. One thousand bike riders are permitted to ride to the top. You first have to ride The Assault on Marion/Mitchelltm the prior year in order to get on the list of eligible riders to Mitchell. The Assault on Mariontm occurs on the same day as the Assault on Mount Mitchelltm. This ride ends in Marion. With only a limited number of tickets available, it is a crap shoot if you will get a rider number. I was lucky. I got a number.

After training and riding many miles in the Spring, I was ready for the ride on June 11, 2007. The 32nd Assault on Mount Mitchelltm. I rode with others from Marion. We all finished. A lucky feat in itself since anything can happen that is beyond your control. I was lucky enough that I got some good advice from an Assault finisher a few days prior to the ride. Who knows maybe I will do it again in '08.

The 2nd highlight of '07, my five year old started kindergarten. He loves school. Eat, sleeps, and breathes it. He was ready for the challenge. I really only have positive things to say about the education he has received. He is reading simple books only after 12 weeks in kindergarten. I feel dumb. I hope the positive experience continues!

1 comment:

John Dorner said...

Thanks for sharing your year's highlights! Congratulations and assulting Mt. Mitchell & raising a great son!