Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Five Things You Don't Know About Me!

Well so it goes...I was tagged in the blogosphere by John Dorner, NC Cooperative Extension-IT Trainer! Since I am "it", I am supposed to tell 5 little know facts about myself, then tag 5 other bloggers that I wish to know better.

  1. I was a chemist before I became fish-momma. Yes, I wore safety glasses and a lab coat.
  2. I only started fishing as an adult.
  3. Cats are my favorite pet. They are just so independent.
  4. Stocking groceries at Winn-Dixie has been my favorite job so far. I did it while I was in graduate school. No offense current employer.
  5. I love to play the ponies. Bred in Kentucky. Trained at Keeneland.
  6. Bonus--Don't like cartoons.
You have been tagged. And now you are IT...Personally, I would rather play Kick-the-Can, but I was a good sport! Now it's your turn.

  1. Cliff Ruth
  2. Douglas Clement
  3. Callie Birdsell
  4. SandiBird
  5. Daniel Cleary


John Dorner said...


Thanks for playing along!

seth nagy said...

Molly - I always suspected there was something fishy about you, but I never thought it was chemistry.